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Any time (right now) is a good time to start! You may not know what you need to do or know in order to begin your search, especially if you’re a first time buyer.  That’s why I’m here to guide you in every aspect, be your sounding board, simplify your life, and negotiate for you.  Most New Yorkers aren’t on a deadline to buy— unless you’re doing a 1031 exchange or have other unique circumstances.  So the best time to start looking is now.  As you begin to actively follow the market as it shifts month to month, you’ll become more definitive in want in your future home or investment property. Most buyers come to me with a set wish list, and the properties that meet that criteria are the ones we initially look at— but often, by the time they’ve put in an offer on a place, they will have done a complete turn around on what they first thought they wanted.  Home buying is fun and by the end of it you will be both satisfyingly exhausted and an expert on the process. The best part is, the seller pays my fee— not you. I’m literally just here to help you.


Click here for preferred list of movers

You can’t really start your search more than 1 month in advance. If you have to move in 2 or 3 months, it might make you anxious to not be able to start your search immediately.  Unfortunately for apartment hunters, the New York rental market is very fast paced and ever shifting.  Traditionally the most competitive time is from April to October, but you might feel pressure to make a decision quickly any time of the year lest you lose out your best option.  The majority of units available come to market at the beginning of each month for lease start at the beginning of the following month.  With such a short time frame to make a decision on apartment— as well as get approval and sign leases— my best advice is:

  • Get your paperwork in order (see my FAQs for typically required paperwork)

  • Set your alerts on your preferred apartment hunting website and go to the earliest possible showing

  • See as many apartments as you can until you’ve found the one of your dreams or it’s mid-month and you’re on a time crunch to make a decision.  Yes, you may have to reset your expectations and settle.

If the process sounds overwhelming to you, you have the option of working with a tenant’s agent but beware that almost always comes with a higher broker fee than you would otherwise pay going directly to the listing agent.

Now that you’ve secured your new home, it’s time to book movers IMMEDIATELY before they all sell out for the month! Arrange for temporary storage if you won’t be able to move in to your new apartment right away.

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Moving Day


Don’t get left scrambling for moving supplies.  If the liquor store doesn’t have boxes for you, and you want to skip the bin rental route, get your moving supplies in order now.  A hurried move is a messy move, and that could result in lost or broken pieces.

Packing seems daunting when you’re already living in a New York apartment and need most of your belongings on a day to day basis. As you start packing your less used items, start decluttering and weeding through what you won’t be bringing to your new space.  If you’re already planning on quickly replacing some furniture at your new home, maybe you should get rid of it before paying movers to relocate it.  New York has a very active used furniture and appliance marketplace on Facebook where your junk is sure to be someone else’s treasure and vice versa.

Try to get a floor plan or measurements of your new apartment especially if you plan on buying a bunch of new furniture. Make sure to also measure all doorways, halls and stairwells if necessary to make sure you’ll be able to maneuver the larger items into your apartment.

A new start might also mean upgrading your quality of life.  Here’s are lists of my favorite modern conveniences for the kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, living room, home security, and home cleaning.


Click here for preferred list of movers

  • Make sure your utilities (internet, gas and electricity) are all set up and ready to go.

  • Submit a change of address to your post office and change your mailing address for your bank, credit cards, work etc.

  • Arrange to get the keys to your new place from the landlord or building management.

  • Take out some cash to tip your movers.

  • Figure out how you will move your personal valuables that you can’t trust with anyone else.

  • Consume all perishables or find a cooler to put them in for the move.

  • Finish packing everything in your apartment. Make sure to keep a bag with your essentials (toiletries, change of clothes for a couple days, pillow, towel, etc). Your first night in your new apartment, you’ll probably want to relax rather than unpack everything.​

  • Disassemble any furniture for easier moving. Make sure to keep any screws, brackets, etc. in a convenient baggy and tape it to the the furniture.

  • Do one final clean of your old apartment to make sure it’s spotless and arrange a walk through of your apartment with your landlord to make sure everything is in order to get your security deposit back.

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  • When you arrive at your new place, take pictures and make special notes of any damages (even if regular wear and tear) in the apartment. Email these to your new landlord and keep for your records.

  • ​As the truck is being unloaded, check off your inventory and make sure everything is accounted for.

  • If you paid for furniture assembly, make it’s done in the right rooms.

  • ​Unpack your essentials and set up your bed

  • ​Give your apartment a quick clean, especially the kitchen, bathroom and wherever the movers may have tracked in some dirt.

  • Sit back, celebrate and thoughtfully plan your final vision for your new home.

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